A business needs to implement a new regulation that calls for companies to change HR headcount reporting from monthly to daily, both accurately and quickly, without business disruptions.
Use Cases > Change Impact Analysis > Implement Business Changes Pain-Free
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A business needs to implement a new regulation that calls for companies to change HR headcount reporting from monthly to daily, both accurately and quickly, without business disruptions.
New regulation calling for companies to change HR headcount reporting from monthly to daily
must be implemented accurately and quickly, without business disruptions.
The Data & Analytics team must quickly and accurately locate the formula calculating the headcount in reports, database tables, ETL processes, views and stored procedures – without additional manpower. The
Data & Analytics team must also understand all possible impacts of making the change.
In order to locate the specific calculation, the Data & Analytics team had to manually map out the entire data landscape.
With metadata scattered all over the place, this is a very time consuming and costly process, which
can require multiple development and design cycles before completing the change.
In one click, Octopai presents a complete, easy-to-understand map of all the ETL, database and reporting systems where the change must be implemented.
Octopai enabled the data & analytics team to make this change easily and accurately in a fraction of the time. Octopai’s cross-platform metadata search engine turns days of manual data teams work into seconds.
• Easily and quickly map out the entire data landscape – within 5 seconds see a detailed visual map
showing where this calculation is being made in every system
• Discover the exact ETL processes and tables that make up a report, with one click
• Show all data objects related to the calculation instances throughout the entire data landscape on one screen
• Implement the change much more quickly and accurately
• Cut the project cost by more than 50%
• Data & Analytics teams completed the project faster than initially estimated
• Elimination of overtime hours or additional staff
• Zero business disruptions or production issues
Providing unprecedented visibility and trust into the most complex data environments.