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VIDEO: M&A? Migrate Systems in Half the Delivery Time

Just like with any merger or acquisition, business systems must be consolidated or migrated so that the multiple companies involved can continue to function as one entity. So, when a large telecom customer of ours using Informatica acquired another company using DataStage, the BI group was tasked with consolidating systems to reduce cost and system complexity.

They began the project without Octopai, which meant they had to go through and manually map out the entire data journey in order to understand what they needed to migrate over to DataStage. The process was excruciatingly tedious and there was plenty of room for error.   

A project manager in the BI group explained that the team felt totally blind going into the migration. They had to go process by process to fully map DataStage in order to migrate the thousands of processes to Informatica. In order to this, they had to determine which processes to migrate, whether there were unused ETL processes that we could leave out, whether we could reuse any processes, the impact of deletion on certain processes, and how any changes would conflict with existing systems and how they would impact day-to-day maintenance.

“This took us months of super costly and error-prone manual work. But that all changed completely once we started using Octopai. The migration was seamless as Octopai helped us map out all ETL systems and discover obsolete processes within seconds!

“With Octopai we discovered that 46% of DataStage processes were obsolete and did not need to be migrated – a huge savings of dozens of man-months to our BI group. Thanks to Octopai, this migration was really straightforward, accurate, simple and quick! There were no production issues, we completed way ahead of schedule and we doubled our BI group’s effectivity without having to hire additional staff.”

Today the BI team is able to migrate systems seamlessly because they utilize Octopai to map out all ETL systems and discover obsolete processes in just seconds.

Want to streamline your migration with Octopai? Click here to find out how.

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